Saturday, June 21, 2014

Video Reflection

My Reflection on teaching the Guided Reading Plus ELA-S Sessions in Spanish over the last 4 days. . .

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Project Based Learning (PBL)

Today, while attending our district required literacy training, I happened upon Elise Edwards' class on PBL. It was inspiring.  We watched Simon Sinek's Ted Talk on How Great Leaders Inspire Action. In this video he explins that The Why needs to be the starting point.

 My last teaching partner and I taught in thematic units, which helped our students not only learn the content but also learn to discuss it and write about it in their two languages. We also had several opportunities to do passion projects for the students throughout the year. I feel like we did a great job, but I am looking forward to making our learning experiences all project based with student-driven questions and wonderings.  I am so excited for next year.

Stay tuned for my video review of my training take-aways!